Elizabeth Borsting


Elizabeth wears many hats. Based in Long Beach, California, she is a public relations consultant representing hotels, restaurants, and destination venues. She’s also a travel writer with nine books to her name.

A few years ago, she took on yet another role: producing the city’s annual Restaurant Week. For one week each February, restaurants produce, at a discount, special value-oriented menus reflecting their culinary style.

Lunch menus are available for $10, $15 and $20 per person, while three-course dinners are offered at $20, $30, $40 and $50 per person. The idea is to introduce diners to new restaurants, allowing them to sample from a range of featured items without breaking the bank.

The idea took off, netting Elizabeth over $20,000. Since she owns her own PR Agency, her workday involves touching base with different clients – many of whom are restaurant owners.

Her project: restaurant Week is a win-win for everyone. Diners can explore new outings. Restaurants receive increased traffic and Elizabeth delivers value to her community. Bon Appetit!

Start Up Costs: Less than $100

Annual Revenue: $20,000

Website: DineOutLongBeach.com

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