Excuses From the Middle Class


I have worked hard my whole life to create wealth and success for myself, my family, and my community. I do not ever blame someone or fault them for being poor. But I do not tolerate people who continue to stay in the mindset that being poor is a permanent condition. Throughout my life, I have built my success by showing others how to increase their income. I want to talk about five of the biggest excuses I hear all the time…

1. They live in the past, rather than plan for the Future.

2. They procrastinate creating a written, 12- Month Financial Plan

3. They are “Clock-Punchers”. They’re more concerned about what

     they’re going to do on the weekend, than learning how to invest.

4. They listen to friends advice over hiring a Wealth Coach.

5. They sey Goals too small. There is no courage behind them

   They live mediocre lives due to impotent dreams.

"Big think" changes the world!

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